Jacqueline Stewart
I am currently in private practice, a consultant with fellow therapists, and an EMDR Facilitator with EMDR Professional Training. I completed facilitator training in 2020, and I am currently a doctoral student in Psychology at California Southern University to expand my counseling capabilities.
EMDR Therapy has been my focus for over 25 years. I became a Certified EMDR Therapist with the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) in 2005, and I became an Approved EMDR Consultant with EMDRIA in 2009. I started the EMDR Networking and Study Group in Temecula and surrounding areas of Riverside County in 2008, offering networking and support to other EMDR practitioners.
I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 1978 and my first Master of Arts in Psychology in 1980 from California State University, San Bernardino. While at CSUSB, I served as Graduate Class Representative to the Faculty and Research Assistant to the Department of Psychology Chair.
In 1997, I received my second Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Trinity College of Graduate Studies in California. The year before, I began my counseling internship through Lutheran Social Services of Southern California, later expanding to include several Lutheran Church locations, as well as Rancho Community Church in Temecula. Since 1996, in service to the community, I have formed and facilitated a variety of networking and study groups to support people who help those suffering from the effects of traumatic stress, including therapists, pastors, primary church lay counselors, and pastoral and prayer ministry team members.
When I lived in Alaska from 1980 to 1985, I instructed undergraduate psychology students and nursing school candidates at the University of Alaska Juneau. I also worked for the Alaska State Government, including as coordinating editor for 11 major state publications.